Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Six Tips for New Models Breaking into the Industry

1: Allow Your Personality to Stand Out

A strong character and personality will help attract an agent. Your personality might be the factor that makes you stand out from the crowd at castings.

2: Keep Your Options Open

There is more to the modeling industry than just high-fashion and runway work. You can make a career doing niche modeling, such as beauty, fitness, and commercial work. Often these actually pay more than editorial fashion and runway work.

3: Prepare to be Rejected

The models who succeed are the ones who are persistent and determined enough to handle continuous rejection. Don't take rejection personally. Many top models got rejected again and again before they made it in the modeling world.

4: Be Professional

Always be professional. Make sure you are sufficiently prepared for shoots. Ensure your clothing and fingernails are clean, dress appropriately for the shoot, and find out if there is anything you need to prepare. Always be punctual and do not cancel at the last minute—the agents, art directors, or photographers you dropped will not want to work with you again.

A lot of work of modeling work will come from regular clients. Always keep a good positive attitude, so clients and photographers will want to work with you again. Finally, be a joy to shoot and work with. A professional work ethic will help you to succeed.

5: Practice Your Poses

Learn from magazines, fashion catalogs, and advertisements and use them as references for poses and expressions. Practice facial expressions and poses in front of a mirror. Critiquing yourself works wonders Posing will soon become second nature when you need to do it on camera.

Practicing often will increase your confidence, which will allow you to pose, move, and express yourself with confidence in front of the camera. Being confident and secure will take you from good to great.

6: Take Care of Your Health

Keeping in shape and healthy is an important part of being a model. Bad health habits affect your skin, hair, complexion, etc. Stick to a healthy diet, lifestyle, and proper sleep, so your clients always see you at your best.  

Apply to be a model

Are you interested in being a model?  We are always looking for new faces for pictures of people in a variety of settings and doing a variety of activities.  Normal people in natural settings are often required, so modeling experience is helpful but not necessary. We have themes for people of all ages, so people of any age can apply.


  • Be  comfortable in front of a camera
  • Be able to do your own hair and makeup in a simple natural style (women)
  • Be willing to sign a model release (if under 20, a parent/guardian needs to sign)     
  • Be reliable
  • Have a great smile
To apply for a shoot please click here: Model application form

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